Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well after a long boring week of moving, Emma finally got to start school. She was pretty scared to go, but she put on a brave face and started all day kindergarten. Her teacher is Ms. Gruidil, and she seems to be doing great and all ready has a few friends. To answer some of your questions, yes people do drive their golf carts around everywhere here, even to pick up their kids from school.


All About DOE said...

I love it. I am so jealous. It looks so nice. It reminds me of my home in California as a child.

Laura Beers said...


Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't know you guys moved to Arizona! Why? When? Man, what a move! So here is our blog website! I don't know if you knew it already! I am pretty good at updating but slacking lately!

Lee Family said...

Chubbs, can I get a free lesson? Maybe one of those "it's all in the hips" lessons. I am envious. Hmm would I rather spend winter in AZ on the golf course or winter in bean town where the sun don't shine and I don't see it anyway because I am always in my dungeon? You are inspiring me for a second career. Do they have bear hunting schools?