Well since I haven't posted since Christmas I'll give a brief recap of our summer. We had a great summer, since we spent a good chunk of it in Idaho and Utah. We went to Park City as a family for a week, then Chris had to fly home for work and the kids and I spent 2 weeks in Idaho then an additional couple of days in Utah again for my Grandpa's 90th birthday party. Now my girls are back in school, its hard to believe they have been going for almost a month. Carson gets a little lonely with out them some days. Here are a few pictures from our vacation and the girls first day of school.
This is the trolley that we rode around the streets of Park City

Chris's family came to visit us in Park City for a few days. We just got done going down the Alpine Slide's the the Olympic Park

Walking down the streets of Park City, I love this town, it has so much character.

Cami LOVES little things, anything miniature she just gravitates to, so no surprise that she loved the mini fridge that was in the kids room.

This was us checking into our room, of course we had to ride the cart up and down the halls before we returned it.